
Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus

Displaying 73 - 96 of 7273

PFOA: Science update

In a very short period of time - less than a century - chemical pollution has become a new, undeniable and inescapable fact of life for humans and ecosystems on our planet.

Chat with the experts about toxics in kids' bath products

If you've read the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics' new report on toxics in kids' bath products and are interested in learning more, we've got good news!

UNEP report highlights food crisis

Not enough bad news in last few days? Read on. A recent report by the United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) predicts that food production worldwide may fall 25 percent by 2050. At the same time...

Where government fails, the market steps in

It seems that investors are planning to use the power of the market to influence the production of plastics and the problems that go with it. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel is reporting that there...

SMM: Feed me, EWG!

There's a lot going on here at EWG headquarters. I know that, since you're such a loyal reader, you've already subscribed to the Enviroblog feed (haven't you?), but now we've got another way for you...

The business of green: My Burt's Bees prediction

Late last month, Clorox (makers of bleach, amongst other things) bought Burt's Bees (makers of "natural" personal care products) for nearly $100 million. A day or two later, the green blogosphere had...

Money for the Planet

Most people around the world are ready to make personal sacrifices for the benefit of the planet, according to a new BBC poll of 22,000 people in 21 countries. According to the BBC article : “Four...

Coal, power, and poison in South Carolina

Usually when we talk about toxicity, we talk in parts-per-billion (ppb). South Carolina fisherman Perry White's body contains 6.5 parts-per- million of mercury -- that, in case you weren't sure, is a...

Consumer safety legislation going to Senate

Earlier this week some key members of the United States Senate decided that if lead had no place in gas or paint, it probably shouldn’t be in children’s toys . While there were several members of...

When Less is More

I often complain about lax chemical regulations. And, I am definitely guilty of saying “imports are poisoning people in America.” But what about the people that make those imports? Few of us ever...

Lead in Lipstick?

To be honest, before I started working for EWG, I really didn’t think much of the makeup that I put on my face every day. I believed that the products were safe because I was able to buy them in...

Envirohealth in Blogs: Fishy fishy. . .

What with the recent confusion over safe fish consumption, you may be in the mood for some clean fish . Head on over to Blogfish for a hot tip on where to find it. It turns out that the streets are...

The unknown toothpaste hero

Until today’s article in New York Times, the name Eduardo Arias meant nothing to me. However, Eduardo is responsible for worldwide awareness of the presence of diethylene glycol in toothpaste. Mr...

This just in: House passes diacetyl exposure regulations

In case you miss it in the comments below: The House just passed the Popcorn Workers Lung Disease Prevention Act, 260-154. The legislation will help to minimize the exposure of factory workers to the...

Bisphenol A in your body: How it got there and how to minimize your exposure

The common plastic additive bisphenol A has been getting a lot of press lately . It's a hormone disruptor that can be found in almost everybody, and animal studies have linked it to breast and...

Phased out pesticide still depletes the ozone layer

Methyl bromide, an organic halogen compound, is a dangerous pesticide used as a soil sterilant, and as general purpose fumigant that kills rats, insects and a variety of pests. It is also one of the...

SMM: Green Gamer

If everyone on the planet lived like you, how many Earths would we need? That's the premise of a clever new game called Consumer Consequences launched by American Public Media . Here's the basic...

True Green Confessions

Forgive us Kermit, for we have sinned. Sometimes being responsible for the environmental impacts of our choices is like being on a diet. You splurge one night and have dessert, but then the next day...

Learn to create a green nursery on - with EWG's Ken Cook

Jesse Johnson, CEO and co-founder of Q-Collection and Q-Collection Junior posted an interview with EWG president and co-founder Ken Cook on his experiences creating a green, non-toxic nursery for his...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 2: 8 Ways to Reduce Your Exposure

Research has not yet established whether cell phone radiation is harmful. But. Some studies are troubling enough that we recommend reducing your exposure by buying a low-radiation phone or making some...

New Yorkers Focus On Gas Drilling Threat

Natural gas may seem clean, but it has a dark back story. As Environmental Working Group has reported, gas producers out West have drilled thousands of wells with hydraulic fracturing or "fracking,"...

Cell Phone Radiation Series - Part 1: The Science

To a lot of people, it might sound about as worrisome as walking under a ladder or not forwarding an email chain letter, but really, what is the deal with cell phone radiation? Is it something you...

Healthy Stuff search tool hits the mark

If you want to see a very cool combination of solid science, smart advocacy and consumer empowerment, check out, a project of our friends at The Ecology Center in Ann Arbor.

Gorillas in the Bay: Time to Face Facts in the Chesapeake

Press coverage last week of the latest federal proposals to clean up the Chesapeake Bay was good. But, an important piece of the puzzle was missing from the discussion.