Exposing Fields of Filth: Factory Farms Disproportionately Threaten Black, Latino and Native American North Carolinians

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Exposing Fields of Filth: Factory Farms Disproportionately Threaten Black, Latino and Native American North Carolinians


Waste Lagoon
US Census Block Boundary
100 Year Flood Plain

Click on points to see operation-specific attributes for animals and 2010 U.S. census demographic data associated with swine, cattle and poultry feeding operations in North Carolina. Swine and cattle locations show data from permitted facilities on file with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.

Poultry facility locations were derived from high-resolution satellite data and aerial photography, by EWG and the Waterkeeper Alliance. Those locations were tracked with high- resolution photos or satellites over five different years (2008, 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2019) to determine when the operation appeared on the landscape. Zoom in on the map to see census block boundaries and the 100-year floodplain.

To estimate manure outputs, analysts used the number of barns at a facility, or permitted animal count, with data from the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual to determine predominant total waste output. To see the full methodology, click here.

Data provided on the map represent estimates of locations and statistics in an attempt to accurately document poultry feeding operations, permitted swine and cattle operations and their impact on the landscape. EWG and Waterkeeper Alliance assume no responsibility for locational accuracy, errors or omissions represented on the maps.

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